Prior Lake, MN
Paver Patio for a new Home
Rochester Concrete Products Slate Series
Sometimes our clients need a simple patio for a grill, table and some chairs. We are always trying to design a space that will fit your needs big or small. There are two reasons I wanted to post on this project:

The first is what a critical role timing can play in new construction when planning a paver patio project. The most cost effective order of operations for a new home is to tackle the Hardscape projects like retaining walls and patios before Sod, irrigation or landscaping. Right after final grade is set, we want to be in next so that we are able to ELIMINATE damage to brand new sod, landscaping and irrigation. We use large composite mats to protect your yard but they are not very useful on loose sod and they can move around which can sheer off brand new irrigation heads. For this project, we actually rolled all the sod back to access the patio area with our Skid steer then graded out our tracks and re laid the sod. That approach was effective but the potential for dead loss and a day of dirt and sod work could have been saved had we been there a few weeks earlier.
The next thing I want to touch on is the movement away from traditional brick pavers to large tile slabs like the RCP Slate series paver shown here. Many new homes benefit from the aesthetic of a more architectural looking paver like this. They are typically a molded product which means they have a very finished top surface more like that of an interior tile. Projects like this go really quickly, a crew of 2 finished this project in 3 days.

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